Aren't these the cutest candy bars ever? I do so love to decorate chocolate! The link will take you to a free printable of the wrapper. The hat is made with a single row of stitching. Easy peasy! Click HERE to get the instructions.
Can you tell I've got Christmas on the brain? Love love love this Nativity! Love the simple lines. Ok, love the fact that even I could do painting at this level. Love it so much that I am debating making 100 of them for my Senior Adult Luncheon this year. Some of you that know me may need to slap me upside the head before I even begin making that many..... Again, HERE is the link to the instructions.
This could be listed as "Why didn't I think of that"? Epsom Salt snow? Really. Love this look. Love the white on white. Love the canning jars. Simple Simon! Here's the Link although you probably don't need one for this one!
I have a love/hate relationship with games. I "think" I don't love to play games. Shannon and Peggy ALWAYS bring games to our family get togethers. I ALWAYS complain. They "force" me to play. There is lots of laughter and in the end I have a good time. This Christmas Bingo game caught my eye. Love the fact that it is not only printable but it is formatted to 5x7 size so you can send it to your local 1 hour photo place and have a great print of it. I could probably play Bingo.....without complaining....much. Here's the link!
Ok, peeps, now you've got some of my favorite Pinterest Christmas links! Now I need to get off the computer so I can get some actual (vs. virtual) crafting done!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hello Pinterest
This is Katy.
She reads my blog.
You won't find her on my list of followers.
She does, however, remind me when I haven't posted in awhile.
It's been awhile.
Like maybe a month?
I've been distracted.
With Pinterest.
I think it might be a disease.
I've got it.
Have you tried it yet?
It really is addictive.
In the last couple of months since I started I've pinned 802 items.
802 possibilities
for cooking
I'll never get it all created.
Try it.
You'll like it.
(Evil laugh)
Click on the button
on the right side of my page.
The red one that says Pinterest.
Need an invite so you can have your own distraction?
Send me your email address.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Vacation #2 and the Striped Room
Give me a cup of coffee, a book and a shady place to read.
(Now THAT'S vacation!)
Katy decided she wanted to paint her room black and white. The MINUTE we got home from the resort she started unloading her room! I have to confess. I was stressed about black and white stripes on the wall but I (mostly) kept my mouth shut. It is only paint, afterall. I was pleasantly surprised at the results. Katy did an awesome job! It gives her room a more grown up (and rather chic) look! She will be spending the first 2 years of college living at home so I figure this is her "dorm at home" room. She was anxious for her dad to see her work. He is a white walls kind of guy. (Boring!) He told her that would not normally be his thing but he thought she'd "earned her stripes". Ha ha. He can be a funny guy sometimes. Great job Katy!

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