I love to shop! I loved to shop even as a child. Don't get me wrong. Growning up we didn't have a lot of money to spend. Didn't cost anything to look! My mom used to do her grocery shopping at a store called Fedmart. Fedmart was kind of like Wal-Mart in that it carried a large variety of goods. I would hang out in the shoe department while mom was buying groceries. I tried on all of the shoes I wished for!
In my younger years, I bought a LOT of shoes. In fact, for about 20 years I bought a LOT of shoes! These days I am careful to only buy shoes that make my feet feel good.
I live in a smaller town. Until recently we didn't have much name brand shopping. I am really enjoying all of our new stores. Almost NO reason now to have to fight the traffic in the big city!

Love Kohl's. Love all their discount coupons! Hate the fact that you have to use a Kohl's charge card to get them!

Target is SO much fun! Home of disposable decorating! Also have you checked out their grocery section? They don't have everything but what they do have is usually cheaper than the grocery store.

Ross is my favorite for clothing. They have a nice section for "not so petite anymore" moms. I have lots of $5.99 tops from there!

Ahhhh Marshalls! Great for purses and unique, nicer, but still cheap housewares!

It used to be a 30 minute trip to do a Michales run. I don't need it every day but when I do, it sure is nice to have it here.
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