It's been a long time since I've exercised. Today I started riding my bike again. My friend, Marilyn, brought her bike over and we rode together.

Lots of cobwebs and dust on my bike. How does a stay at home mom clean a bike?

With a vacuum cleaner of course. (You didn't think I was going to touch all those spider webs, did you?

Finished the job with Endust and a rag. My neighbor (and die hard biker) would have died laughing if he could have seen me vacuuming my bike.

We rode. We visited. It wasn't so bad. Why is it so hard to make myself exercise when it is so good for me?
In my case, it was because I was not encouraged to do so when I was young. After mom and dad divorced, mom was glad that I stayed in the house all the time because she didn't have to worry about me getting in trouble. Therefore, I am a house hound today instead of an exercise nut.
You're funny, I have to admit that photos of the cobwebs is artistic in a crazy sort of way!
Personally I hate exercising, so kudos to you for busting out your bike!
It's great weather to get out! Ride, Marlene, Ride!
That's hysterical that you vacuumed your bike! I'm with you, Marlene, it is so hard to get out there and exercise, but when you do doesn't it feel great?
I haven't ridden a bike in years! It does sound like fun. I think mine may need a few more repairs though! :)
we'll get you up the mountain one of these days, marlene! :) It's definitely more fun when you have a partner in crime.
Marlene, that is so absolutely hilarious! Exactly something I would have done! Hugs to you!
hahaha! I love this! Our bikes were in storage for 2 years and we pulled them out over the summer. My husband dusted his with that canned air stuff and a fancy towel of some sort. So you're not alone! I would have taken the dustbuster to it!
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