22 years ago when I had my first baby we didn't have any burp cloths. My mom was visiting at the time and purchased a dozen cloth diapers (the flat kind), folded them in thirds and stitched them down. They were the best! Soft, absorbent, bleachable, durable. They lasted through both of my girls! I recently found a tutorial (here) on "Make and Takes" for decorating burp cloths. Easy to make and so cute! I am headed to a baby shower this weekend and decided to make a set. 

I purchased the diapers that are thicker in the middle.
This baby is going to be a girl so I got lots of girly ribbon.
Pin the trim onto the diapers. Stitch it down. Simple sewing at it's easiest!
I love the idea of having something pretty to use for such an icky job!
One side note: You'll notice I used satin ribbon to bind the edges of these. In the original tutorial she used bias tape. Unfortunately bias tape is not available in my town since Wal-Mart got rid of their fabric department. The satin feels wonderful but because it likes to slip and slide, I ended up stitching it on by hand.
Marlene, it looks so beautiful even when I have no idea what burp cloth are!
Cute. My daughter Annie is making these too.
I love these! We REALLY used the ones you sent for Bradie. You make such quality stuff, they still look great even though they were washed a million times!
So cute! Now the question is...what do you do with burp cloths bought and never used? I seem to have a plethora of them...
Those are super cute!!!
One lucky mama is going to get these!
Cloth diapers make the best burp cloths. They were the only thing I used with my kids - But I never thought about sprucing them up with ribbon. What a great idea!
Our little one spits up more than we like but these are the best for both baby and parents!
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