Menopause sucks!
No one really tells you how much fun this is not going to be. Mmm. Maybe I knew but never believed it could happen to me. I would never be "one of those" that ended up with a "middle age spread". Afterall, I am a lifer at Weight Watchers. Just haul my sorry self back to the meetings and get my eating under control again. Right.
Then there are the hot flashes. Or, as I prefer to call it, "my faulty thermostat". Now, I live in Arizona. Being hot is normal. The difference? I was out running errands the other day. I walked into a store that was very cool. My first reaction was that it felt so good to hit that cool air. 20 minutes later my body was still trying to actually cool off. It is a wierd feeling to be in a 70 degree room and sweating.
Probably my least favorite part of all this are the short term memory lapses...
It was 10pm.
I was tired.
Washed my face. Brushed my teeth.
Reached in my pocket to get my phone so I could plug it in for the night.
It wasn't there.
Looked in the bathroom.
Looked in my chair. (Sometimes it falls out of my pocket there.)
Checked all over the house.
It was nowhere.
Finally decided I would call myself.
Guess where it rang?
In my bra.
I'm still laughing at myself over that one. Laughter really IS the best medicine. Learning to laugh at myself is a lesson I could have used in my younger days.
Think this will never happen to you?
It can.
It will.
Get ready.
2011 |